Keyboard predictive text
Keyboard predictive text

keyboard predictive text

Pinch up with three fingers to quickly copy, pinch up with three fingers two times to cut, and pinch down with three fingers to paste. Note: Alternately, iOS 15 features gestures that make cut, copy, and paste a snap. Select and drag the end points to expand or reduce selection.

keyboard predictive text

To copy text, select and hold the text, then select Select or Select All. Words will automatically be entered into the text field. Select and drag across each letter of the desired word without removing your finger from the screen. When using dictation, you can edit the message using the keyboard before sending. iOS 14 offers new Memoji and sticker features such as new age options, face coverings, over 20 new hair and headwear styles, and more so you can personalize your Memoji to reflect your hobby, profession, and personality. Note: To access more symbols, select the 123 key, then select the #+= key. To return to the alphabetical keyboard select the ABC key.

  • DICTATION: Select the Microphone icon and begin speaking your desired message.
  • keyboard predictive text

    NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS: Select the 123 key.Double-select the Shift key for caps lock. CAPITALIZE TEXT: Select the Shift key to type uppercase.

    Keyboard predictive text